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1997 Brown and Sharpe / Hexagon MXCEL PFX 7105 $17,900


  • 1997 Brown and Sharpe / Hexagon  MXCEL PFX 7105 (Serial # 0997-3448) DCC CMM
  • Renishaw PHC10-2 Controller and Renishaw PH10MQ probe.
  • Computer with CMM-Manager version 3.8 SPI. Measuring capacity: 700MM x 1000mm x 500mm.
  • Sharpe 32  CMM DCC Controller
  • Machine is in good working condition and can be seen on-site in Orion Township
  • Available for pickup late February (owner waiting on new CMM delivery)
  • Assistance to move machine to buyer provided vehicle for transfer

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RAM Sprint MVP 400 $9,000

Large Capacity 3-Axis Video Measurement Systems in a Compact Footprint.

The SprintMVP 400 systems represent large-capacity, fully automatic, 3-axis dimensional video measuring systems known for their high precision and compact footprint. Designed for robust performance, the SprintMVP 400 features heavy-duty construction and stable materials, making it suitable for applications in demanding shop-floor conditions.

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Coord3 Metris LK – Hera 15.10.9

C3 Coordinate Measuring Machine.

Reliable and Innovative Metrology Solutions.

With super-light aluminium as a key structural component, and air bearings on all axes, the
C3 V is a high specification cost effective metrology solution. Due to its size, high capacity
table and comprehensive selection of options, the C3 V is suitable for a wide range of small to
medium size applications.

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